Ever since Google introduced Priority Inbox, the important emails have been more successful than ever in getting my full attention on time (or at all). But that doesn’t mean that emails marked as less important don’t have to be dealt with sooner or later. Over the past couple of weeks I’ve made it my mission to unsubscribe from of all the emails I receive periodically, but don’t really read. Mind you, this isn’t spam, just noise. It’s maybe a weekly digest from a random Web 2.0 app I took for a test drive months ago and haven’t used since. It’s a Google alert or perhaps a mailing list about a topic I’ve lost interest in by now. It’s also a bunch of server status reports, stats I don’t really follow, newsletters I rarely read, coupons I never use and the list goes on and on. Being a fan of the Inbox Zero technique I find the result quite liberating and cathartic and I highly recommend the exercise to anyone dealing with email overload.