Logwatch: once a week is enough

If you administer Linux systems, it’s a pretty good idea to keep an eye on the logs. A handy tool that parses your system’s logs and sends you an email report is well known logwatch. By default it sends daily log reports. But to me this is too often. I want weekly reports.

This is how I achieved this on Centos 5.

If they’re not already installed, install logwatch and perl-DateManip

sudo su -
yum install logwatch perl-DateManip

Add a few options to logwatch.conf (I also like my output formatted in html)

echo "Range = between -7 days and -1 days" >> /etc/logwatch/conf/logwatch.conf
echo "Output = html" >> /etc/logwatch/conf/logwatch.conf

By default logwatch installs itself in /etc/cron.daily, you should move it to /etc/cron.weekly

mv /etc/cron.daily/0logwatch /etc/cron.weekly

You can now run a test logwatch and check if it arrives:



  1. sumanth thatiparthi says:

    For those folks who do not have a full OS installed on RHEL5 / Centos5,
    you need a data manipulation perl module to get the ‘-7 days’ to work.
    install Date::Manip by running one of the cmds below and you will be all set.
    cpan -i ‘Date::Manip’
    perl -MCPAN -e ‘install Date::Manip’

    thanks @drye, found this article helpful.


  2. Thanks for the tips.
    Works in Debian (with libdate-manip-perl package)

  3. Thanks, I used this.

  4. Randy Hughbanks says:

    Thanks for the clear directions! Sumanth’s comments were helpful too.

  5. Nikonier says:

    Thanks, it works good for me.
    Tested with Logwatch 7.3.6 and CentOS release 6.3

  6. Works on Ubuntu 12.04.x too (with libdate-manip-perl, of course).

  7. very usefull thanks a lot and i agree this is clearly enough

  8. […] This post has been copied completely from this other post. I have here my own version because I don’t want to keep track of the link and I think you […]

  9. Benjamin says:

    Thanks! In the report it still says “period is day”. I assume this has been hardwritten, right?

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